Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tambourine Chicken Noodles

Yesterday, despite Merenia's keen interest in them we decided not to have Tambourine Chicken Noodles for dinner especially as we didn't have any. We also decided against Tandoori Chicken Nibbles.

What we did do yesterday was go and see Carolann in the morning which was very cool as we haven't caught up in a while. And even cooler as she gave Will some lovely baby boy scrapbooking stuff... and he said he didn't need it as the family was crazy enough with 2 scrapbookers. So he's letting me use it!

After that we went to meet Kaya, who is the new baby of my friend Kiri. I met Kiri online when I first got pregnant with Will. She was about 3 months down the road from the death of her daughter Heni who was stillborn. Obviously I had a certain amount of understanding and empathy for her situation. I was rapt when she found out she was pregnant about 6 weeks after us. Kaya was born 3 weeks ago. She makes Will look like a porker because she's got that petite girl thing going on. You can see from this picture like many males Will finds girls confusing...

You can see from this picture that Kaya like all smart ladies is dealing to the boys already. (Two at a time too- impressive!)

Kaya's big brother Braith is one of the coolest dudes I know. Apart from anything else he likes dinosaurs in a big way and we all know how cool those sorts of boys are. We took a new Dino story to congratulate Braith on his becoming a big brother again, which was great as his shyness had to pass quickly if he was going to have me read the story.

He asked me: "Do you want to sleep with me?" And while the fire engine bed, Stuart Little and these handsome brown eyes were hard to resist I had to decline.

We had a lovely time!

Today was another great day I was the most productive I think I have been... and I attribute this all to Jill the Osteo as my baby was the most fabulicious smiley, happy, SLEEPY boy!

So I finally got to put together a book for Will made with a blank board book from Carolann and Kal's Cool Art 4 cool babies. SuPeR CooL!

I also made Will's Thank-you cards... very simple and easy but great to have them done!

The plunket nurse came today but that story will need to wait till tomorrow as I've got stuff I NEED to do and that's not blogging. :-) Should say though that I changed the settings now so anyone in the world can make a comment on the blog.

...for reading today!

1 comment:

kal said...

GREAT job on the book! That looks amazing! And great job on Will. He's adorable. Pure cuteness.