Friday, August 8, 2008

Cranky, snotty, tired and sad

And that is just me- you should see Will he's the one with the cold!!!

Ok, I'm in shock I just started to download photos from the DSLR so I have something for this post... I had to make a new folder... I name them by date... it's the 8th of the 8th 2008 .... my baby is nearly 8 months old that'll be a whole 2/3's!!!! Where did it go????

So the week that was....

Friday... don't remember much about Friday... I think maybe there was some shopping involved and probably Starbucks.

Saturday... I did Merenia's 8 weekly full room clean... scary stuff worthy of an email on it's own... but man it looks good now! I had a Nana Nap and fell asleep in the pre-match stuff for the Rugby... yeah good one Gypsy!

Sunday... Les took Jake and Kieran to the Mastercard All Blacks Roadshow....

They brought back Buck!

Whilst back at home Will vomited a full tummy of breastmilk, baby rice and banana down my front and that kind of set the tone for the day.

Monday... a quiet one at home post vomit... Merenia went to school with a hacking cough... I guess between the 'Easy off Bam' and the stirred up mould in her room her asthma cough is back! Yay! Not. And it also appears that Will has taken up smoking as he's also hacking away like an old man.

Tuesday... I went on a mission to do a trade-me pick-up and as I don't usually hangout in South Auckland I took advantage by going to the Scholastic shop in East Tamaki and a scrapbook shop in Papakura it was a huge day... Will was less than unimpressed with all the car time.

Wednesday... as an apology to Will we stayed at home... the cough has now progressed to an eyes watering and bugging out almost choking... body racking shocker. Day spent scanning photos for the client album. Discovered Will likes carrot.

Thursday... was a repeat of Wednesday... except that Will laid on the guilt because I told him to go back to sleep in the dark of 10:30pm the previous night when unbeknownst to me he had reproduced his carrot all over his PJ's and bedding... great magic trick Will! We did pay a short visit to Dr Farmer... who gave the standard response... I like my Dr because he always says... it's viral, drugs won't work... come back and complain in *****insert time period here***** if it hasn't gone away. So I asked him when I should come back and complain if Will was still coughing and he said a month... at which point it was my eyes that were bugging out... Dr F said... "oh that's right never joke with a sleep deprived mother of a baby". Yeah funny guy!!! 'Cept he really was serious!!!

Which brings me to today... I made dinner last night at around 11pm and then turned it on this morning before we went to school- kewl. Sorted the production photos for Cher by the time the bell went and took 'Mr Cranky' home along with the maths books. The books are now marked and I'm blogging... which just goes to show that I may have been organised but I haven't made a list for today... so I am going to wander aimlessly through the day and make some of the standard sleep deprived errors that mark my days recently... I am growing increasingly frustrated at my inability to get anything done (yes I know Kathryn!!). I want that lady from TV (The Big Stuff) to come in and get it all sorted so that I just have to maintain it... I still haven't actually finished the spare room from way back when Will went from bassinet to cot... and what really gets me is that the scrapbooking table always gets used as the dumping ground... so even if I want to take time out and play.... aaarrrggghhhhh

So I can see August being a slow blogging month.... such is life I guess.

It's all good in the end though, isn't it!

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