Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Poor Mr Park + Random thoughts from today

I got a call last night from Ian Park... the guy whose name the bank signs at the end of letters like mine. Poor fellow... I kind of wonder if he didn't put it off till he could put it off no more. He was extremely apologetic. And tried to give us movie tickets for the kids. I told him not to worry and that I really was just joking in my letter. (Sorry Kieran and Merenia). He was once again very apologetic and said that they really do value our business (all 5 of us). And I told him to relax and not worry. I felt a little bad for about 30 seconds and then I got over it.

Why is it that when I decide to record a typical day in Will's life that we do every thing atypically? At least it meant we didn't wake up with him in our bed! But it's back to the drawing-board on that one anyway- sorry Les you'll be subjected to flash photography just after waking tomorrow morning as well...

Will has been off Losec for almost 2 weeks now which is great, and although he is slightly more pukey he isn't at all unhappy which is very cool.

I took him to the Gym on base the other day so I could weigh him... turns out the scales at our house simply stop at 92kg... which is why when I picked him up the other day when I was on the scales he was miraculously lighter than air... The scary thing was I of course had to weigh myself first... the scales at home may stop at 92kg... but I don't. Will weighs almost exactly 8kg. I'll just say that considering he's 6ft and I'm 5ft2in... I don't weigh that much less than Les. That's bad really really bad.

They say you shouldn't compare your kids but I don't know why cause I just did and it made me feel a whole bunch better. Because Merenia was also a shrimpy, poor eater, who broke my sleep in three places at 9 months old as well... so really it's life as normal around here.

I was looking at changing the spare room again so I could move him out of our room and try tackle the sleep issues until I realised the fatal flaw in that plan...

I scrapbook while baby sleeps
Baby is light sleeper +
Baby sleeps in scrapbook room +
= I never scrapbook again.

Les didn't see a problem with that but I can tell you he'd find it a huge issue when the withdrawl symptoms started... A HUGE ISSUE. I'm still going to change the spare room back because I hate it the way that it is and I'm going to have to fit a child in there sometime.... maybe this time I'll get a little help from my friends... I can't really believe I did it all on my own last time and most of it in the space of one day with a little baby in tow... craziness I tell ya.

Today... I want to get my head in order I really just feel like I've derailed a little... not heaps but just enough to be slightly out of control and only just managing the basic day-to-day stuff; eat, sleep, blog, and look after Will. And there's so much more I want to be doing. On, on, it's time to get life back into focus.

I have a few good posts planned for the next couple of days... hopefully I will find the time and energy.... we'll see.

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