Friday, March 7, 2008

reading about reading about reading

A hodge podge post today...

First up books the upside of being stuck on the couch with a gorgeous boy (other than the obvious) is quite a bit of reading done. In the last week I have finished two books which every prospective parent should read and in fact most teachers should read them as well.

The first was given to me by a friend when Merenia was born and I started it at the time but didn't get a chance to finish it. Brainy Babies By Robin Fancourt can be tough going at times but I think it's well worth it (and it probably wouldn't be tough if I didn't already have the baby :-) )
This book explains exactly why laying down good foundations in a childs first years of life is so seriously essential. It also gives the what and the how as well- an excellent book although it does make you want to adopt as many 'at risk' kids as you can get your hands on!

The second book, and a much easier read, is Reading Magic by Mem Fox. And it is awesome!

That's pretty much what I would expect from Mem anyway as she writes awesome childrens books as well. Our faves would be 'Time for Bed', 'Wilfred Gordon MacDonald Partridge', 'Boo to a Goose', 'Tough Boris' and 'Whoever you are'. Reading Magic is like the dummies guide for reading aloud to your children, lots of good ideas for super reading fun.

While we are on the subject of books check out the book Kal wrote 'Cargo and Woot Eat Beets' I haven't read the book... but I have faith in Kal and when I have money I'll be getting me a copy for sure!

Last night I got a call from Les' sister asking me to make a scrapbook for her as a gift. This is something I would never have expected. And the subject is also something I would never have expected to be scrapbooking- My nephew Logan's V8 Experience - so I am about to make a full on, hard out, grunty, 8 cylinder HOLDEN scrapbook. (lucky for me I don't have any allegiances either way for ford or holden). Just how do you do that I ask?? No idea! I guess I will figure it out though.

Yesterday was swimming day. We go to the base pool straight from school, on a good day the kids are in the pool by 5 past 3 how cool is that. Even cooler is the fact that if Will is already asleep he stays asleep because of the constant white noise. And if he's awake we sit on the side and I dangle my feet (and occasionally his) and we (I) sing nursery rhymes and become mesmerised by the ripples (him). The kids in the meantime preform all sorts of acrobatic feats and play various games for an hour or so.

That's Elliot he comes over after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Peaches, I'm not usually big on fresh peaches- I do like them but I can't handle the furryness. BUT I was tempted by the sign outside the fruit and vege shop... Coconut Ice Peaches... so I got some. And left them on the bench to ripen up. And then I ate them. Oh my god. They ARE. GOOD. Really good. Like 'who cares that I feel like I'm eating a cat' good. They are white and pink on the outside and also white and pink on the inside, hence the name I guess. They are juicy but not excessively so and they are sweet but not sickly just luscious. They taste like what I think Sweet pea flowers would taste like (if you could eat them).

Finally String. It is amazing the joy a piece of string can bring. This is the string that ties the sunshade to the handle on Will's carseat. It is apparently one of the most amusing things in Will's life. What I find amusing is when he goes cross eyed looking at it.

Today: Patrols, homework marking, and then who knows what adventures the day will bring. :-)

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