Sunday, February 3, 2008

Complete, a return to civilisation?

The house is finished it has a lovely fresh new coat all over it. Les did a happy dance on the roof in celebration... if I didn't really need to grab a shower in this window of opportunity I would have strung all the photos together here but I do so... you'll just have to settle for this one...

So we are back to civilised society... just kidding there's nothing civilised about our place... but we are home and happy about it.
I read an article on one of my days at Helen about doing things that honour what you value. And after I read that I didn't feel at all bad about hiding out in the bedroom at the MIL's house. I value my privacy, my self-esteem and self-confidence and she doesn't so if I wanna look after myself I'd best stay away as much as I can.

So maybe now I will make some progress here....

But it seems unlikely as all my attention gets drawn here....

I know I post lots of photos of him sleeping but when he's not sleeping he is too close to take a photo of and he's ether attached to me or crying cause I haven't quite got him attached yet.

Kieley come on over I'm getting in the shower now by the time you get here I'll be good to go!

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