Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lazy Sunday Catch-up

Still in my PJ's just waiting for 'Stand By Me' to start on TV.... this is one of my favourite movies of all time! And it has River Phoenix... who I was in Looove with at the time it came out. Aaaaahhhh childhood memories.

So, Thursday and Friday... I got an email from Kal... who is my blogging Idol. I have to admit I emailed her first to tell her about the book I made with her cool art! But I didn't actually expect a reply as I figure she's pretty busy... so I was 'well chuffed'!

Friday Les went away to stand in a paddock and lament the weather for a couple of days. I decided to give the Soarfest a miss this year as the walls of the cabins may just be a little to thin for the neighbours in relation to that small package of gorgeous noisy-ness that is Will. Friday night Will crashed early which was very unexpected and cool. I spent the evening on the laptop and advanced the progress of my getting organised and getting things done. It seems that I was far too focused on my work, as someone wanted my attention...


I wasn't playing though, so she found alternative comfort.

I can't remember much else about those days. Yesterday was spent in a cosy nest on the couch with the laptop and some books and Will who it appears doesn't want to sleep alone. Kielz came over in the afternoon and we ventured out in to the rainy evening to get supplies (fizzy and lollies) and pizza. Then we came home and eventually got down to creating... I made a canvas for my Word of the year. I'm relatively happy with it, though I wish I had one of those funky chipboard arrows because I don't like mine. The canvas seems to be a bit of a Kal/Ali fusion... with Gypsy flavour which seems about right for where I am at now.

This is interesting.

It's a photo straight out of the camera of me and Will. Taken by Les on a rather short shutter speed inside at night with our two standard (energy saver) light bulbs. What fascinates me about this picture is the information that is embedded but hidden. Because when I mess with in in Photoshop I get this...

Which in when it's big and better quality than this copy is actually a really rich and interesting picture.

Talking about interesting pictures. Les has taken my other baby the Canon DSLR away for the weekend so I'm left with the Fuji and have hence started a weekend photo project for the kids. They have carte blanche to take any and all photos they want so long as they have me and or Will in them. Which is cool because I seriously want LOTS more photos of me and especially of me and my baby boy. (I'm bummed I didn't get good belly shots before he came out of it) I'm enjoying it, even if the photos look like this...

The kids have an interesting perspective... this was taken by Merenia last week..

I almost deleted it but have decided it would be good to scrapbook as it was interesting to think about what the photo says about Merenia, our family and me... Mira's also took this one...

Will is certainly a lot cruisier now and it is lovely. In part this is attributable to Saint Jill the Osteo and some of it is attributable to this...

One more picture just 'cause...

It's Sunday, the weather is crap, the movie is good is for an entree, Will's zonked on his mat, and it looks like the couch is the place to be curled up with a scrapping book and a pile of magazines for the main course. And then a dessert of some good creating.

Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am guessing he stayed settled cos you finished your canvas which I love. Mine is still in the bag - which is a good thing cos as we know I have other things to do LOL. However in my head I am tossing a few ideas around, that's good becuase I am finally thinking that I need to really get my a into g to get those juices flowing. i do confess i checked out live2scrapbook on ebay and was tempted by the $9.99 pricetag on lifeartist, and a new photo book that can be preordered. Forget the name but it is on how to deal with the thousands of photos that you worry you will never scrap. I also want get organised which helps you to plan your scrapbooking life. Hey! I think 3 books is pretty restrained! Once again this place is having issues with my password so today Kielz will be Anonymous. I think I will name a cat that one day PMSL