Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ding ding ding- Rrrrrrounnnnnnddd 9

Round 9

Who Group Time Landing Raw Score Normalised Score Place

Sven---1-- 9:50.50-- 100---- 690.5 --------997.5------- 1st
Scott--- 5--9:54.40 --100 ---694.4--------- 997.7------ 30th

Les---- 8-- 9:53.50-- 100---- 693.5--------998.7--------- 12th

New Zealand still 3rd team, Australia has snuck up to 7th.

My friend Aneil isn't feeling so positive that Les will make the fly-off but we in the Stockley House think he's dead wrong... there's still a whole lot that can happen in the next three rounds. and you never know what will be. Go Dad Go!

Not many Kiwi photos around on the website or emails but I did find these....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not so worrıed about the fly off, have far exceeded my expectatıons here already, ıt would be a bonus but i need some very good fliers to make a mıstake or 2 ın the last 2 rounds.
our prıorıty now ıs to maıntaın NZ ın 3rd or better and get a team podıum fınısh, somethıng NZ has never done before and would be awesome ın ıtself.
As of rd10 thanks to us all gettıng good thermals and flyıng out the slots and the Ukraıne (undıes,undıes,undıes guys) bombıng out ın a couple we have a pretty comfortable buffer of 600 poınts back to 4th now, ın fact we are workıng on chasıng down 2nd place ıf we can.
Wıth sımılar condıtıons forecast tomorrow we feel pretty confıdent we have fıgured out the condıtıons and whats req'd to work the thermals (you really would not belıeve how far downwınd we are goıng wıth no ballast on board) and wıll do all we can to hold on to at least 3rd for grım death.
Thanks for all your support back there everyone....