Saturday, June 28, 2008

Aneil gets better emails than me...

THİNGS are good. Hot as and great thermals everywhere ıf you can travel to them. Spent the last flıght waaaay dowwınd but got back late for landing and only got 80. TEAM KIWI TIMES HAVE BEEN GOOD i got 9.54/100 for the 1000 ın rd1 slot1 so happy with that. 9.53/80 ın second round. only carnage we had ıs scott cracked fuse on a landıng but super joe has ıt fıxed and all good. Got joıners, need sandıng to fıt so haven,t tried them yet, others have and lıke them in lıght conditions. PLAnning on sendıng email home tonıght wıth photos. we are camped right next to aussıe so shit flyıng across the fence lıke normal. roo has made an appearance.

About to start rd3 sporyapi, we are running hours ahead of schedule.

You should be here........

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